'A' Litter at Three Weeks: Up and Alert
The puppies took on their third week with open eyes and ears, giving them a week characterized by alertness and awareness. Suddenly they were noticing things in their world - especially each other. The regular rhythm of feeding and sleeping gave way to an additional activity: play. The living room is now ringing with the sounds of puppy barks and puppy growls as the pups engage in this crucial developmental activity.
We also introduced a bowl of milk formula to see if the pups were interested in beginning the long process of weaning. The first introduction was mediocre - a few of the pups were eager, a few were indifferent, and a few just wanted to splash in it. By the second introduction, it was a hit. All eight pups figured out how to slurp the milk and quickly learned that they love feeding time. It’s not a clean affair by any stretch - I think they end up wearing as much as they consume!
As the last of the pups pass through the transition period and into the beginning of the prime socialization and learning window, we will begin doing short exercises to challenge their minds and develop learning skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. It’s a real treat to play a role in this crucial period to shape their coping and problem solving skills for a lifetime.